Graduation Day in School - Mafraq

Mafraq is a town in the north Jordan, 20km from the Syrian border surrounded by Iraq, Syria and Saudia Arabia.

The Latin Parish of St Joseph was established, in 1949, with the arrival of the Rosary Sisters who commenced the building of a church, convent and school for boys. In 1959 classrooms were built for girls and a kindergarten was built in 1962.

A secondary school was further developed that contains classes until the 10th grade, after which students were required to leave and attend non-Christian governmental schools, where they did not study Christian education and may be exposed to conversion to other religions.

The Latin Patriarchate, as part of its pastoral and educational mission, sought assistance to finance the building of three classrooms, for the 11th & 12th grades, a teachers room and bathrooms which would enable students stay at St Jospehs and  benefit from the teaching of Christian education and values.

The Lieutenancy of Ireland generously donated the sum of €64,895, which financed the building works.

In September 2022, pilgrims from the Lieutenancy were able to visit, meet with the Parish Priest, Fr Tareq Hijzin; School Principal, Teachers, Students and view the completed construction works.

More details at:
