Supporting the people of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

The Order has at its heart an individual commitment to personal spiritual development with the collective endeavour of supporting the Church and Christian people across the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem – which includes Cyprus, Jordan and the Holy Land.

The assistance given each year by the Order internationally is in excess of €16 million. These funds are deployed in the delivery of Education, Social Care, and Humanitarian aid.

The Order directly supports the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, officially seated in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
The Patriarchate:

  • Maintains 53 parishes
  • Runs 44 schools: 13 in Palestine, in 25 Jordan, and 6 in Israel.
  • Educates 19,000 children a year
  • Is the largest Christian employer in the Holy Land
  • Employs about 2,000 mostly Christian staff, who support the same number of Christian families.

Members of the Order also travel regularly as pilgrims to the Holy Land finding it a profound experience – not only in terms of personal spiritual development, but also through the affirmation of solidarity with the Christians who remain faithful whilst experiencing the difficult realities of life in a region troubled both politically and economically.

View the map and detailed list of the projects we support.