Al-Salt Latin Parish, Jordan
Salt is the first parish that was established by the Latin Patriarchate in East Jordan in 1866.
The Latin Parish Church of the Assumption of Our Lady includes a monastery and a school.
In 2021, it was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of Al-Salt – The Place of Tolerance and Urban Hospitality.
The Church was designed by Italian priest and architect, John Moritan, who planned many churches in Palestine, and constructed in the 1880’s. It is famous for its high cross-vaulted ceilings, eight triple rounded columns, and Corinthian capitals carved in stone.
The priest’s house is part of the Salt convent complex. It’s one of the oldest structures in the area and has been neglected for decades.
The house requires a swift and effective intervention to bring it back to healthy living standards as it is currently deemed unfit for human habitation.
This year 2023, the Lieutenancy of Ireland has committed to funding £45,000 towards the cost of essential refurbishment works to the Parish Priest’s House, part of Al-Salt Convent, Jordan; together as a joint initiative with the Lieutenancy of the Principity of Monaco which will fund an additional £20,000.
The refurbishment works, which are detailed in Project Report 375/23, include: repair of the roof; replacement of ceiling tiles; insulation of the roof and wall to fix the dampness problem; upgrade of electrical wiring and sanitary accommodation to make the house a liveable space, with all means of comfort available to the Parish Priests for years to come.
In September 2022, our Communications Officer Thomas Kilduff, KC*HS visited and met with the Latin Parish Priest, Fr Riad Hijazin and viewed both the Church and Crypt where Saint Sister Marie Alphonsine Danil Ghattas, mother founder of the Rosary Sisters opened her first school for the education of girls in the Holy Land.