Taybeh - Home for Elderly

The Beit Afram Home for the Elderly, Taybeh was established in 2005, by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Its mission is to offer a healthy environment for the elderly through its assistance of healthcare.

The Home for the Elderly is managed by Institute Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará, the female branch of the Institute of the Word.  Today, it provides safe residential accommodation for 20 residents and employs 5 staff.

Taybeh is the only Christian village in Palestine with a 100% Christian population.

In 2022, the Lieutenancy of Ireland donated €57,302 towards the cost of life saving fire safety works at the Home.


More details in this Facebook post and in this article: Alongside the elderly, the sick and orphans: the Order’s support for those most in need https://www.lpj.org/category-1136/alongside-the-elderly-the-sick-and-orphans-the-order-s-support-for-those-most-in-need.html
