Dames and Knights from the Commandery of St Killian, Diocese of Würzburg

From Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th October 2024, the Relics of Saint Kilian and his companions Saints Kolonat and Totan were brought home to his birthplace, Mullagh, County Cavan where religious and civic events were celebrated.

It was the first time the relics of St. Kilian have left Germany in 1,300 years.

St Kilian was an Irish Missionary Bishop and the Apostle of Franconia in the 7th century.

His feast date is 8th July.

Accompanying the relics from Würzburg were 100 German pilgrims including Bishop Franz Jung, Diocese of Würzburg; Fr Jürgen Vorndran and other members the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem – Lieutenancy of Germany, Commandery of St Kilian.

Amongst those welcoming them to Cavan were Chevaliers Thomas Kilduff and Peter Mc Govern, members of the Lieutenancy of Ireland from the Diocese of Kilmore.


Dames and Knights from the Commandery of St Killian, Diocese of Würzburg

Chevaliers Uwe Zimmermann, Christian Englert, Dr Wilhelm Schraven and Prof Matthias Stickler  Commandery of St Killian, Diocese of Würzburg

Peter Mc Govern (Kilmore), Dr Wilhelm Schraven and Christian Englert (Würzburg), Thomas Kilduff (Kilmore).