I would like to thank you all for the large number of bookings received so far by Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi (with relative payment of the first deposit) in order to participate in the Pilgrimage that the Order is organizing for its Members in Rome from 21 to 23 October 2025, on the occasion of the Jubilee and for your precious collaboration.
I’m pleased to inform you that, considering that we are receiving additional requests for registration and in order to allow for wider participation, it will be possible to register subject to availability. If you are interested, I invite you to proceed with the booking and payment of the deposit as soon as possible, also taking into consideration the fact that it may be difficult to find the same hotels at the prices already agreed or even having to opt for different hotels.
In order to be able to offer a high level of organisation to our Dames, Knights, family members and accompanying persons, it is also necessary to inform in advance those in charge of the Basilicas of the expected number of participants, as well as to proceed with the booking of GT buses.
You will find the options with accommodation (packages “A”, “B”, “C”) or without accommodation (packages “D”,“E”) in the following Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi link.
ORP kindly asks me to remind you that:
- registration is considered complete with fulfilment of the online form and payment of the deposit;
- when making the payment you must indicate the same names as in the online registration form, possibly avoiding abbreviations and giving priority to the indication of the surname and name rather than the titles and Lieutenancy (there is plenty of space for all this information in the online form).
- family members and accompanying persons must indicate the name of the Knight or Dame of reference;
- it is very important to indicate the Lieutenancy or the Magistral Delegation you belong to or whether you are a Member of the Grand Magisterium;
- for those who wish, Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi could possibly arrange the Pilgrimage to other places of devotion and extend the length of stay;
- ORP will send to all participants, by the end of July 2024, a confirmation of receipt of their registration and deposit, including the name of the assigned hotel.
I kindly ask you all to forward all the information contained in this email to each interested Dame and Knight.
For any further information, ORP is available at the following dedicated mailbox: oessh2025@orp.org
Yours sincerely.
Amb. Alfredo Bastianelli
Presidente Commissione per l’organizzazione
del Pellegrinaggio dell’OESSG
per il Giubileo 2025