Mary Josephine McCusker (née Foran), DHS, admitted 1986

Consœur Mary, who died on 20th August 2022 was another of our longest serving members, having been one of the first three Dames invested into the Lieutenancy of Ireland at the Inaugural Investiture Ceremony at Holy Cross Abbey, Co. Tipperary on the 26thJuly 1986.
Mary was born in Barking, London in 1936, the daughter of John and Josephine Foran and endured the ‘Blitz’ and hardships of the post war years. Her father John, to whom she was devoted, was a member of the Lieutenancy of England and Wales.
Mary trained and practiced as a Radiographer. It was during her training at University College Dublin that she met her future husband, Dr John whom she married and were blessed with two children Gerry and Fiona.
Consœur Mary was buried wearing her Mantilla and Cloak of the Order, as was her wish, following Requiem Mass in St. Brigid’s Church Cabinteely, Dublin on Wednesday 24th August 2022 at which the Order was represented by our Lay Master Raphael Kelly and Gerard Lawler.