Friday morning, early start.
Process through the streets of he Christian Quarter in our cloaks towards the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Along the way we met visiting pilgrims from Malta among whom was a prior and two Knights from the Lieutenancy of Malta – Deus lo vult. Formal photograph on the steps adjacent to the Church entrance. Solemn entry procession into the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to the Blessed Sarcrament Chapel under the stewardship of the Franciscan Custos.
Holy Mass was concelebrated by Fr Ferghal Mc Grady, Diocese of Down and Connor; Fr Francis Mitchell, Archdiocese of Tuam and Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly, Archdiocese of Cashel.

Following celebration of Holy Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, we walked cloaked to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, where we were welcomed immediately by our long time, dear friend Abdel Maseeh Younan, Administrator in the Chancellor’s office of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
We were escorted by Abdel into the reception room of the Latin Patriarchate, for the arrival of His Excellency Bishop William Shomali, General Vicar and Patriarchal Vicar of Jerusalem and Palestine.
Abdel had diligently prepared the Certificates and Pilgrim Shells to be awarded on behalf of the Latin Patriarch, by Bishop Shomali, to first time pilgrim members of our Lieutenancy.

Following celebration of Holy Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, we walked cloaked to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, where we were welcomed immediately by our long time, dear friend Abdel Maseeh Younan, Administrator in the Chancellor’s office of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
We were escorted by Abdel into the reception room of the Latin Patriarchate, for the arrival of His Excellency Bishop William Shomali, General Vicar and Patriarchal Vicar of Jerusalem and Palestine.
Abdel had diligently prepared the Certificates and Pilgrim Shells to be awarded on behalf of the Latin Patriarch, by Bishop Shomali, to first time pilgrim members of our Lieutenancy.

A visit to the Monastery of Saint Savior, the headquarters of the Custody of the Holy Land, followed.
We were received warmly by Diana from the offices of the Custos, who escorted us to a reception room, where our dear friend Fr Fergus Clarke, ofm, awaited us.
Fr Fergus updated us on the important work of the Custody in continuing to maintain the Holy sites.
Br Ibrahim Faltas, Custodian Vicar, arrived then to present the Leo Xiii decoration and certificates to a number of our pilgrim members who were participating on this pilgrimage.

As you have seen, we’ve been covering a lot of ground, visiting the Holy sites, meeting with the living stones and viewing the projects that the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem finance.
To maintain our stamina, we are fortunate to have been able to enjoy delicious local Palestinian food in high quality restaurants, selected by our excellent tour guide Bader Abu-George Rafidi.
In Beit Sahour, we visited ‘Tent Restaurant’ a spacious, hygienic, atmospheric and welcoming establishment with great views and delicious food.

Having enjoyed a delicious lunch, what next for the pilgrims ?
Shopping and Sightseeing of course !
One can never have enough jewellery, hand made olive wood cribs, statues and Rosary beads.
Supporting the local Palestinian traders is a very important aspect of Pilgrimage.
The covid pandemic resulted in great hardship for the community and hospitality trade, which rely so much on the tourist economy.
A number of our pilgrims took time also to explore Bethlehem by foot to visit the Banksy inspired ‘Walled-Off Hotel’ and had an opportunity to view the separation wall which has a devastating effect on the Palestinian communities in West Bank.

Prior to departing Bethlehem after a very hot but enjoyable afternoon, we drove over to nearby Beit Jala to visit the seminary.
Waiting at the entrance to meet us was Fr Bernard Pogge, Rector, who warmly greeted our pilgrimage group.
Fr Pogge briefed us on the history ofctge seminary, how the seminary functions, the formation process, logistical and bureaucratic issues that arise daily.
We were briefed also on the history and role of The Rosary Congregation which establised the first school for girls and work tirelessly to maintain access to education for every female student.
We were introduced then to Mr Issa J. Da’boub, founder and General Director of The Ectumenical Centre for Pilgrims and Biblical Studies.
We had then a 10 minute orientation visit around the seminary and learned about the printing press situated on the seminary grounds, with which the Lieutenancy of Ireland has had a very long and fruitful association.
Prior to departing the seminary, Fr Pogge arranged for chilled juice drinks and grapes to be served to all, which was very much appreciated.