12 Messages from the Clergy of the Holy Land

A video series featuring messages from His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, as well as from bishops and priests of the Diocese of Jerusalem, directed towards the youth, those preparing for marriage, the sick, and catechists.

His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa
Message to the Latin Parishes of the Holy Land
Msgr. William Shomali
Message to Christian Religion Educators
Msgr. Rafiq Nahra
Message to our parishioners in the Holy Land in times of adversity
Msgr. Jamal Daibes
Message to our parishioners in the Holy Land in times of adversity
 Fr. Amjad Sabbara, OFM
A Message to the youth of the Holy Land in these difficult times
Fr. Ibrahim Nino
A message to those suffering from a sickness
Fr. Tarek Abu Hanna
A Message to the Youth of the Holy Land
Fr. Bernard Pogi
A Message for Difficult Times
Fr. George Haddad, OFM
A Message to the Youth
Fr. Imad Alamat
A message to young couples approaching the Sacrament of Marriage
Fr. Ayman Bathish, OFM
A Message to Christian Religion Teachers