Many don’t know the significant role our Order’s French Lieutenancy plays as honour guard for the Crown of Thorns relic at Notre Dame de Paris.
Brought to France from the Holy Land by King Louis IX in the 13th Century, the crown was miraculously saved from the 2019 cathedral fire by the Paris Fire Brigade’s Chaplain. This major relic is displayed for public veneration on Fridays, during which our Order serve as honour guard.
The Irish Lieutenancy was invited to participate in the ceremonies marking the return the Crown of Thorns to Notre Dame de Paris at the cathedral’s recent reopening.
Chevalier Stephen Dorgan GCHS and Dame Barbara Dorgan DC*HS represented the Lieutenancy at this event of national importance for both the people and the church in France.
The French Lieutenant, H.E. General Christian Piotre, GCHS ensured Ireland was granted pride of place, with seats literally in the front row for the nationally televised ceremonies.
The beautiful and inspirational ceremonies can be viewed in the video below, where you will see the major role the Order plays, as it does every Friday.:
Following the ceremonies, Dame Barbara & Chev. Stephen were also graciously hosted by H.E. The Lieutenant for France at a dinner for visiting dignitaries.
Pictured Dame Barbara Dorgan & Chev. Stephen Dorgan