St Teresa of Avila

Foundress of the reformed (Discalced) Carmelites. Teresa was born in 1515 to an aristocratic family in Avila. As a child […]

St Gerard Majella

Lay brother. Born in 1725, in Basilica, Italy, Gerard trained and worked in his father's trade as a tailor before […]

St Margaret Mary Alacoque

Born on 2 July 1647 Margaret Mary Alacoque was a French Roman Catholic Visitation Sister and mystic, who promoted devotion […]

St Ignatius of Antioch

Bishop and martyr. Born in Syria, Ignatius converted to Christianity and eventually became bishop of Antioch. In the year 107, […]

St John the Dwarf

Hermit. St John lived sometime in the 5th century. As a young man, he went into the Egyptian desert to […]

St Luke

Evangelist. Patron of artists and doctors. All we know of Luke comes from the New Testament. He was a Greek […]

Saint Paul of the Cross

Founder of the Passionists. Born in northern Italy in 1694, Paul Daneo lived at a time when many regarded Jesus […]

Bl Jerzy Popieluszko

More than 150,000 people gathered in Warsaw this morning, for the beatification of Fr Jerzy Popieluszko, a Catholic priest and […]

St Maria Boscardin

Nurse and nun. Maria was born in 1888 to a poor Italian family in Brendola in northern Italy. Her father […]

St Hilarion

Abbot and monastic pioneer of Palestine. Hilarion was born in 291 in Gaza. He studied at Alexandria, where he became […]

St John Paul II

'Do not be afraid' was the most often-used Biblical quote of Pope John Paul II. Karol Józef Wojtyła was born […]